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Protecting Your Summer Vacation June 11, 2024

Summer vacation is the perfect time to unwind, explore, and create cherished memories with family and friends. To ensure your trip is safe and enjoyable, here are some essential tips to check off before you take off:

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Secure Your Home

  • Lock Up: Ensure all doors and windows are securely locked.
  • Alarm System: Activate your alarm system if you have one.
  • Trusted Neighbor: Ask a neighbor or friend to check on your home.
  • Light Timers: Install timers on lights to give the appearance of someone being home.
  • Social Media: Avoid sharing your vacation plans on social media.

Stay Vigilant

  • Belongings: Always keep an eye on your personal items.
  • Important Documents: Secure your wallet, passport, and other critical documents.
  • Carry Less Cash: Use cards instead of carrying large amounts of cash.
  • Document Copies: Make copies of essential documents and store them separately from the originals.
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Traveling by Car

  • Vehicle Maintenance: Service your vehicle before you leave.
  • Safety Check: Inspect tires, brakes, and fluid levels.
  • Emergency Kit: Pack essentials like water, snacks, a first aid kit, and a flashlight.

Traveling by Air

  • Early Arrival: Get to the airport early for a smooth check-in and security process.
  • Baggage Rules: Check your airline’s baggage policies.
  • Carry-On Essentials: Pack medications, travel documents, and a change of clothes in your carry-on.
  • Hydration: Bring a refillable water bottle
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Traveling by Rail

  • Timely Arrival: Arrive at the train station early for ticketing and boarding.
  • Schedule Check: Confirm train schedules and platform information.
  • Ticket and ID: Keep your ticket and ID accessible.
  • Secure Luggage: Keep your belongings close and secure them with locks.

Additional Tips

  • Travel Insurance: Consider buying travel insurance for extra protection. Did you know that Nymeo provides insurance? Check it out here.
  • Charged Devices: Fully charge your electronics and download entertainment options.
  • Let your Bank or Credit Union know you are traveling internationally: For Nymeo, it’s easy to do. You can do it simply in online banking.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a safe and stress-free summer vacation. Stay alert and make the most of your well-deserved break! Happy travels!

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